KIBORG: A Dark Sci-Fi Thrill Ride

In the dystopian depths of Sigma, where every breath could be your last, KIBORG thrusts you into a relentless struggle for survival. Developed by the ingenious minds at Sobaka Studio, this game defies convention, merging elements of action, rogue-lite, and time management into an immersive experience that grips you from the first mission to the last.

KIBORG’s gameplay is a masterclass in balancing strategy and adrenaline-pumping action. As Vasiliy, leader of a resilient band of resistance fighters, you navigate the treacherous landscape of Sigma, a planet gripped by chaos. The blend of brutal combat, endlessly replayable missions, and narrative-driven decision-making keeps you on the edge of your seat.


Every choice matters in KIBORG. Each mission you undertake, regardless of outcome, ticks away a precious day, bringing you closer to the next calamity. With no ‘game over’ screen or save scumming, you must live with the consequences of your actions, shaping the story with every victory and loss.

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Visually stunning and accompanied by a haunting soundtrack, KIBORG transports you to a world teetering on the brink of collapse. From the gritty mega-city streets to the desolate wastelands, each environment is meticulously crafted, immersing you in the dystopian atmosphere.

What sets KIBORG apart is its innovative approach to gameplay. The ability to upgrade clones into cybernetic warriors, absorbing tech from fallen enemies, adds layers of depth to combat. With procedurally generated missions, no two playthroughs are the same, keeping you hooked for countless hours of gameplay.

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KIBORG is a tour de force in gaming innovation. Its seamless blend of action, rogue-lite mechanics, and time management elements delivers an unparalleled experience that will leave you craving more. Whether you’re a fan of intense combat or immersive storytelling, KIBORG offers something for everyone. Take advantage of this dark sci-fi thrill ride.

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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