Finding Dee Volume 2: An Astounding Kickstarter for Fans of Slice-of-Life Comics

Finding Dee Volume 2: An Astounding Kickstarter for Fans of Slice-of-Life Comics

Happy Saturday, to our big, Geeky family! 

Time is ticking, and a campaign deserves every bit of our support. For fans of slice-of-life comics and compelling personal stories, Finding Dee is a Kickstarter project you shouldn’t miss. But hurry, there’s only a few days left to back this incredible journey!

A Comic Journey Like No Other

Finding Dee, created by the talented Dee Fish, is a heartfelt comic series that has impressed readers since 2017. It chronicles Dee’s experiences as a transgender woman navigating her 40s, infused with nerdy references, hilarious mishaps, and touching anecdotes. Dee’s story is not just about her personal transition but also a broader exploration of identity, resilience, and the everyday adventures that resonate with all of us.

A Collaborative Triumph

Laurie Foster, the manager of Laguna Studios, has been a staunch supporter of Dee’s work. “We’ve been working with Dee now for over a year and it’s been great,” Laurie shares. “Finding Dee is everything you want from a slice-of-life comic. It’s not only entertaining but also a beacon for transgender people of all walks of life who may be trying to find themselves just as Dee did.”

Volume 2 is Here!

Finding Dee is back with Volume 2, featuring vibrant colors by artist Katy Rewston. Dee’s excitement is palpable: “Working with Laurie, Katy, and Sarah has been a BLAST, and seeing my strips revitalized in color format is exciting. I have also been putting details of my personal life out in public for years, hoping they would help even just one person struggling with their identity. So getting them in front of a much larger audience now is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying.”

What’s on Offer?

The Kickstarter for Volume 2 is packed with fantastic rewards:

  • Softcover and hardcover editions of both volumes of Finding Dee
  • LGBTQ+ pride pins
  • A stylish t-shirt
  • A hilariously adorable 3D mousepad
  • A lifesize stan-Dee for the ultimate fans

Why You Should Back It Now

Finding Dee isn’t just a comic; it’s a touching, relatable story that resonates with anyone who has faced the challenge of discovering themselves. Dee’s journey is unique and universal, making this series a must-read. By supporting this Kickstarter, you’re helping bring Volume 2 to life and promoting a vital narrative within the LGBTQ+ community.

Final Call to Action

The campaign runs until May 28th, so there’s no time to waste. Head to to join the adventure, celebrate diversity, and support a fantastic creator by backing Finding Dee Volume 2 today!

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